Unraveling the Efficiency: Value Stream Mapping in Additive Manufacturing


Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has revolutionised the manufacturing landscape with its ability to create complex and customised products. However, as the industry grows, it becomes crucial to optimise the production process to ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Value Stream Mapping (VSM) and its application in additive manufacturing to identify bottlenecks, streamline workflows, and maximise overall productivity.

1. Understanding Value Stream Mapping (VSM):

Value Stream Mapping is a lean manufacturing technique that provides a visual representation of the entire production process. It helps manufacturers to identify the value-adding steps and eliminate non-value adding activities, reducing lead times and waste.

2. Importance of VSM in Additive Manufacturing:

In the realm of additive manufacturing, VSM plays a vital role in identifying areas for improvement. By analysing each step of the 3D printing process, from design to post-processing, manufacturers can optimise workflows and enhance the overall efficiency of their production.

3. Mapping the Additive Manufacturing Process:

In the context of 3D printing, the VSM process involves mapping the flow of information and materials from the initial design phase to the final product delivery. This mapping allows manufacturers to identify potential bottlenecks, redundant processes, and areas for improvement.

4. Identifying Waste and Improving Lead Times:

Value Stream Mapping in additive manufacturing helps uncover various types of waste, including excess inventory, overproduction, and waiting times. By eliminating these inefficiencies, manufacturers can significantly reduce lead times (or throughput times), optimise resource utilisation, and lower production costs.

5. Enhancing Communication and Collaboration:

Effective VSM implementation fosters better communication and collaboration between different departments involved in the additive manufacturing process. This synergy streamlines the workflow and ensures that all stakeholders are on the same page.

6. Leveraging Technology for VSM:

As the additive manufacturing industry embraces digitalisation, leveraging technology and software tools for VSM becomes imperative. Various software solutions are available that enable real-time monitoring of 3D printing processes, facilitating continuous improvement and data-driven decision-making.

7. Real-world Examples:

To illustrate the practical application of VSM in additive manufacturing, we will explore real-world case studies from leading manufacturers. These examples will showcase how VSM implementation has led to significant improvements in productivity, reduced lead times, and increased overall product quality.


Value Stream Mapping offers a systematic approach to optimise the additive manufacturing process. By identifying waste, streamlining workflows, and enhancing communication, manufacturers can achieve enhanced efficiency, reduced costs, and increased customer satisfaction. As InkBuiltUK continues to embrace cutting-edge technologies, integrating VSM into their additive manufacturing operations can position them at the forefront of the industry, ensuring a sustainable and competitive future.


  • Erol, S., J. J. Ward, et al. "Value stream mapping in the UK healthcare sector: A case study." International Journal of Production Economics 131.1 (2011): 223-235.

  • Helu, M., & Grosse, I. R. "Characterizing the value stream for 3D printing and additive manufacturing." Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 138.7 (2016): 071004.

  • Rother, M., & Shook, J. "Learning to see: Value-stream mapping to create value and eliminate muda." Lean Enterprise Institute (2003).

  • Siva Sankaran, R., & Goulart, E. "Value stream mapping: A case study of a production line in a printed circuit board manufacturing plant." International Journal of Production Research 49.1 (2011): 141-164.

  • Singh, H., L. C. Jain, et al. "Value stream mapping for lean manufacturing implementation." Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 26.2 (2010): 149-167.

Karl Motton

I am a designer with a strong grounding in both engineering fundamentals and humanistic considerations for the design and manufacture of user centric, marketable and innovative products. With valuable experience working across a wide spectrum of projects, I am committed to the delivery of commercially successful, quality-led, product design.


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